Downs Racing LP (dba Mohegan Pennsylvania) provides the information above as a service to our guests. By receiving this Win/Loss Statement, the recipient understands that the information is based on carded play only and the validity of this information cannot be verified by Downs Racing LP, and/or its employees and agents.
The information listed is provided as an informational tool only. The recipient cannot hold Downs Racing LP (dba Mohegan Pennsylvania) or its past and present officers, managers, employees, and agents responsible for the accuracy of this information. Nor can the recipient of this information sue Downs Racing LP (dba Mohegan Pennsylvania) and/or its past and present officers, managers, employees and agents due to inaccuracy of information provided in this statement.
Please be advised the IRS has specific reporting requirements that relate to claiming gambling winnings and losses. Information pertaining to these specific requirements is available in IRS Publication 529 or on the IRS website:
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Mohegan Sun Pennsylvania appreciates your valued patronage and we look forward to your next visit.